If you want to take pictures, watch birds, hike, picnic or camp on State Lands in
By the time Bush leaves the White House, the Dept. of Homeland Security is supposed to have the 670 miles of fence between
Is this a wonder? The labor is on the other side of the fence!
Earlier this year AZ Game and Fish authorities killed a mountain lion in the
What is it all about?
Hunters (who buy permits) hunt bighorn so in order for them to have their sport, let’s kill of some mountain lions.
How do you track a mountain lion? They are all fitted with GPS systems apparently so you can get the job done before lunch.
A car carrying 21 illegal immigrants rolled over when it tried to avoid going over a spike strip placed by the Border Patrol. Nine people died.
This is just one example because at least 290 illegal immigrants die annually during attempts at crossing the border. This includes the approximately 75 who die of heat exposure in the desert and 45 who drown swimming across the river or canals into
Human life has very little value.
Let me add that I am not against culling (animals that is, not people), or even hunting, although I cannot understand what satisfaction killing something could give.
I also think there should be a system in place so that people can live and work in the country of their choice legally and not have to feel like hunted animals. If there were no Latinos here the lawns would not be quite as trim and the houses not quite as sparkly, no salad or strawberries on the table nor would there be anyone to do the work others are not willing to do.